All about protein diets: types, menus for a week and 14 days, product list, reviews, recipes

Foods rich in protein

Protein diet is one of the most popular, especially among men. Unlike most diets, it helps increase muscle mass, and allows you to have a varied menu for the week. The caloric content of a diet can easily change depending on current energy expenditure. This allows for a flexible approach to diet and does not feel hungry.

Can I lose weight on a protein diet

Many people wonder if it is possible to lose weight with a protein diet. It ranks among the top most effective weight loss nutrition programs, but the result can only be achieved with regular exercise.

The main principle of the diet is that most diets are proteins. They are a building material for the body, necessary for muscle growth and an active happy life in general. Their lack leads to reduced performance, fatigue and depression.

A protein diet can help a person begin their transformation. Sure, you’ll have to say goodbye to sweet and fried, but isn’t the result worth it?

Remember: to lose weight, you have to do physical education.

The creator of the child - Pierre Ducan

What food systems exist (Ducan, ketone, Atkins) and how effective they are

There are several diet programs for 7, 14 or more days that are based on the predominance of protein in the diet. Let's talk about the most effective.

Ducan system

The point of this system is to consume a lot of protein, and carbohydrates - in limited quantities.

Ducan's feeding system consists of 4 phases, each of which has its own rules. However, there are general principles for everything:

  • drink at least 1. 5 liters of water a day;
  • every day should be at least minimal physical activity - exercise and walking.

Step One

Meals at this stage are based on low-fat protein foods: skinless chicken and turkey, fish, eggs, beef cuts and low-fat dairy products.Frying in oil is strictly forbidden, but you can use all other cooking methods, for example, steam.In addition, it is allowed to add spices and herbs to the diet. It is necessary to support the work of the intestines and take one and a tablespoon of oat bran a day. It is forbidden to eat pork, sausages, rice and other cereals, fruits, sweets, bread, flour, beans and sugar.

Step Two

This step will already be easier and will take two weeks. It combines protein and plant days. The protein-vegetable diet is varied and light, especially compared to protein days. The estimated weight loss will be greater than 4 kg. If you need to lose no more than 10 kg, then the days alternate one after the other, and if more - 5 after 5. The duration of the phase is calculated based on a simple formula: 1 kilogram lost = 7 days.

Protein days completely repeat the menu from the first step. The only explanation is that the addition of cucumbers is allowed. On vegetable days, you can eat any vegetables, except beets, avocados and potatoes. They can’t be seasoned with mayonnaise, but they can be cooked and baked. You should also consume 2 tablespoons of bran a day. Forbidden food is the same as before.

Step Three

At this stage the result is fixed. For each kilogram dropped, it takes 10 days of fixation. Yes, it seems to be very long, but this way you can provide a beautiful figure. It is forbidden to eat sugar, sweets, flour and meat semi-finished products.

It is allowed to use everything that was in the previous stages, but with additives: fruit (not only grapes, dates and bananas), 2 slices of wholemeal bread and 40 g of cheese are added daily. Starchy foods like potatoes can be cooked twice a week. And also twice a week is allowed to organize a holiday and eat whatever you want, but, of course, without fanaticism.

Step 4

This step assumes that the eating system has already become a habit and has in principle become a way of eating. There are no banned products now, but it is recommended to agree with proteins one day a week. Of course, you should not attack sweet and harmful and eat it in huge quantities - no diet will save you from gaining weight and losing the achieved result.

Ketone diet

This diet allows you to eat meat, fatty fish, eggs, green vegetables (spinach, cabbage, cucumbers or zucchini), tomatoes, avocados, raspberries, strawberries, mushrooms, vegetables and butter, hard and soft cheeses, low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream and yogurt, as well as all spices, almonds, peanuts, walnuts and pine nuts. Therefore the menu can be very diverse.

The diet is definitely not suitable for those who have kidney and cardiovascular problems, diabetes and eating disorder. Here are some side effects to follow when following a keto diet:

  • negative effect on kidney function;
  • dehydration, constipation, risk of heart disease.

Keto has advantages and disadvantages, so switching to this diet is worth considering carefully.

Planning a diet for its effectiveness

Atkins diet

The Atkins diet is similar to Ducan's diet. There are also 4 steps here - introductory, main (focused on weight loss), transitional (the result is fixed) and final. The first two steps last 14 days: during this time, the body gets used to the new diet and recovers. In the future, diet should become a way of life. The diet assumes a minimum of carbohydrates, a maximum of protein and complete rejection of alcohol.

Protein is the basis of the diet, and unsaturated fats and fiber are allowed. The latter include avocados, nuts, salmon and vegetable oils. Fiber will provide green vegetables and herbs, and some carbohydrates can be obtained from unsweetened fruits, grains and berries. The diet is not suitable for pregnant women and people with kidney and liver problems.

Dangers of Protein Diet

Due to serious deficiencies, a protein diet cannot be called healthy and safe. Excess protein leads to the development of urolithiasis and negatively affects the work of the kidneys, brain and liver. There are a few more significant drawbacks:

  1. The gastrointestinal tract may be damaged.
  2. Animal food contains cholesterol, even if it is the most dietary poultry.
  3. The diet is mostly unbalanced.

We do not recommend that you follow only a protein diet, as they cause health problems for a long time.

List of protein products

To properly compile the menu, you should familiarize yourself with the list of protein products:

  1. Meat: chicken and turkey fillets and beef.
  2. Fish: especially tuna which is practically fat-free but has a record protein content among fish.
  3. Legumes
  4. Soy replaces meat and fish for vegetarians and people who abstain from meat for other reasons.
  5. Cottage cheese is an affordable high-protein product.
  6. Cheese contains protein, but it also contains a lot of fat. Not suitable for every diet.
  7. Peas. Most legumes have a lot of protein, but beans are especially prominent. Chickpeas and lentils are also good options.
  8. Buckwheat. Of all cereals, buckwheat contains the most protein and also contains a lot of fiber useful for the intestines.

If you dedicate time to physical activity, you have an increased need for protein. We recommend that you pay attention to protein powder mixtures, protein bars.The proteins in these products are well absorbed and the compositions are balanced in amino acids, vitamins, micro and macro elements.

Detailed menu of a strict low-calorie diet for the week

A low-calorie diet for a week will allow you to get fast results and generally adjust your body to the new diet. This weight loss diet that can be easily lost is based on one principle: intake of 800 calories a day. Consider a menu for very fast weight loss.


For breakfast you can eat low-fat yogurt and drink green tea.

Snack - a handful of peanuts, lunch - steamed chicken.

Afternoon snack - 150 g of fat-free cottage cheese. It is recommended to end the day with a glass of fat-free kefir.


For breakfast it is recommended to eat 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese and drink coffee without sugar.Peanuts and other protein productsSnack - low-fat yogurt, for lunch - boiled beans, for the afternoon snack - a glass of fat-free kefir. For dinner - chum steak.


Start your day with 2 boiled eggs and sugar-free coffee. For a snack - a glass of low-fat yogurt. For lunch - lean fish, for example, steamed pollock, for the afternoon snack - a glass of fat-free kefir, and for dinner - a handful of peanuts.


For breakfast you can eat low-fat cottage cheese and drink green tea. For a snack - 2 boiled eggs, for lunch - baked turkey fillet with mushrooms, and for an afternoon snack - arugula salad. It is recommended to roast trout for dinner.


For breakfast, low-fat cottage cheese and sugar-free coffee. For a snack - a glass of low-fat kefir, for lunch - boiled beef with beans. For an afternoon snack, you can eat boiled cauliflower and dine with boiled or baked lean fish, such as cod.


For breakfast you can cook oatmeal in water and drink green tea. For a snack - a handful of peanuts, for lunch - a boiled squid fillet,Fillet of steamed pollockfor an afternoon snack - a glass of low-fat yogurt. For dinner - 2 boiled eggs.


Last breakfast this week - oatmeal on water and sugar-free coffee. For a snack - a glass of low-fat kefir, for lunch - lean fish, for example, steamed pollock. Afternoon snack - salad of boiled beans with mushrooms, and for dinner - low-fat cottage cheese.

Protein and vegetable menu for 14 days

Protein and vegetable diet is a perfectly balanced menu that allows you to lose weight quickly, deliciously and without side effects.The diet is rich in vitamins, fiber and protein - everything that is so important for the body. The following portion is offered daily for 14 days (a cup of green tea should be served daily):

Dan Products
1 1 boiled egg with olives, 200 g steamed chicken fillet with vegetables, 200 g broccoli and low-fat yogurt
2 Water porridge, handful of dried fruit, 200 g of steamed fish with vegetables, 200 g of fresh cheese
3 Protein omelette with tomato and arugula, chicken fillet with carrot and cabbage salad, 1 boiled egg with cheese and tomato
4 150 g low-fat cottage cheese with cucumber and buckwheat, steamed turkey fillet with vegetable salad, baked cod with olives and feta cheese
5 Water porridge, boiled beef + vegetables, avocado salad, a glass of low-fat or 1% kefir.
6 Buckwheat with milk, salad of boiled chicken, tomatoes and iceberg leaves, salmon with vegetables
7 Low-fat milk porridge, vegetable salad and 1 boiled egg, stewed field with wild rice for garnish
8 This day should be fasting, you can eat vegetables in unlimited quantities (but within reasonable limits)
9 150 g Greek yogurt, 2 boiled eggs, stewed cabbage with chicken, 200 g parfait with vegetables
10 Zucchini roasted with cheese, boiled beef with vegetables, buckwheat with fresh cheese and milk
11 Low fat yogurt, baked fish with olives and any salad, low fat or 1% kefir
12 Water porridge, cod with beans, vegetable salad with chicken
13 Buckwheat with cottage cheese and milk, steamed turkey fillet with vegetables, cabbage and carrot salad
14 Oatmeal in water with dried fruit, boiled beef with vegetables, a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Protein-plant diet is balanced and can be recommended for long-term use.

A man on a protein diet

View feedback on results

Usually people on the internet first look for how to lose weight on a protein diet, is it really easy to lose weight. Most people report both positive bodily changes and negative health effects. It is really possible to lose weight without losing muscle, improve relief and not burden the body. There are also various menus for each day, the absence of hunger and bad mood. Protein days for weight loss can be organized without harm to health, but the total duration of such a diet should not exceed 14 days as recommended by a doctor.

Protein diet is chosen by those who want not only to lose weight, but also to qualitatively change the body in general, in order to look not exhausted, but, on the contrary, a cheerful and ready person. Also, this diet is suitable for those who like clean meat and can easily do without sausages and sausages. In order not to spoil, those who have lost weight give a few tips:

  1. Drink a glass of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. Have breakfast half an hour after waking up.
  3. Have dinner 3 hours before bed.
  4. Drink 2 liters of water a day.
  5. To avoid stool problems, you need to drink 1% kefir.
  6. For those who can't live without coffee, 1 cup without sugar is allowed.

People's criticism is filled with joy that people have started noticing small changes in their body in two weeks. Although these steps are still quite small, they have already been taken. Of the negative, most have an unpleasant odor from the body, which nothing can stop. It is not recommended to sit on this diet for more than 14 days.

Alas, there are no magic weight loss pills. It is often said that protein diets are effective for weight loss, but this is a misconception. Yes, you can lose a few extra pounds quickly, but that will happen if you significantly limit the amount of calories you eat. Proteins alone are not suitable for weight loss.

Banana and almond smoothie

Interesting recipes

On the one hand, there seem to be very few products allowed and a painful monotony awaits the person. However, this is not the case, you can easily diversify your protein diet, and simple and delicious recipes for a protein diet for weight loss will help you with that. Remember to include hiking, running and other sports in your day. Otherwise, there will be no effect.

Protein Shake

Protein slimming plate is a sports drink that will saturate your body throughout the day. To cook you will need:

  • 200 ml skim milk
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 banana;
  • 100 g 9% cottage cheese;
  • teaspoon of sugar.

Prepare a blender or mixer from special equipment.

  1. Beat the peeled egg in a sugar blender
  2. Cut the peeled banana into small circles
  3. Add the banana to the bowl with the eggs, pour in the milk and beat until the mixture is smooth.
  4. Add the cheese mass and beat again.

Done! Pleasant.

Chicken fillet with guacamole sauce

This is a diet meal that is easy to prepare. Despite the presence of avocados in the composition, BJU ate 57/25/18. For cooking we need:

  • 500 g chicken fillet;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • Guacamole
  • half a teaspoon of dried garlic;
  • 1 teaspoon ground red pepper;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 100 g low-fat cheese;
  • cilantro and pepper to taste.

First take the pulp out of the avocado and mash it with a fork, then add the pepper, lemon juice, a little salt and spice. Let's put this mass aside for a while. The remaining salt, spices and dried garlic should be spread on the fillets. Put the meat in a pan and fry it on each side for 4 minutes over medium heat. Then sprinkle it with cheese and close the lid to melt the cheese. Next, you need to wait a few more minutes, after which you can put the fillet on a plate and put the previously prepared sauce on it.

Cheese casserole

Protein casserole is great for breakfast. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 500 g cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 40 g corn starch;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • spoon of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of vanilla;
  • 50 g raisins.

First you need to mix cottage cheese, eggs and egg whites. Then add the cornstarch and the rest of the ingredients. Now put the mass in a baking dish and leave for 30 minutes. at 180 degrees. The crust will turn out crispy, and the pan itself will be tender and satisfying.

Salted trout salad

For this light salad you will need:

  • lettuce leaves;
  • 4 cherry tomatoes;
  • 30 g trout fillet;
  • leek stalk;
  • tablespoon olive oil for dressing;
  • pepper.

You can also add a teaspoon of chia seeds to improve stomach function. The cherry needs to be halved, the trout - diced, the onion stalk - sliced. Wash the lettuce leaves, cut into pieces and place on a plate, place all the ingredients on top, season with olive oil and spices. Then you have to mix everything thoroughly. Such a salad should be eaten immediately, it will quickly lose its freshness in the refrigerator.


Protein diet begins the path of weight loss, building a strong body and beautiful shape. Combined with sports loads, especially running, during the adherence period it will turn out to lose a little weight and fat, not muscle, will disappear. The feeling of hunger will not bother you, but you definitely need to drink enough water, exercise, walk and ingest fiber.

Remember that a diet rich in animal products is not safe for your health due to its cholesterol content.

It is recommended to add vegetables to the protein diet, at least 400 g per day, excluding potatoes. This will help you maintain a balanced diet.